It is Self-explanatory. Yoga has main came from Tantra.Yog vidhya is Adhyatmik (Spiritual) science, it is shastra of Antarman. Yoga is a Sanskrit term derived from “YUJ” dhatu means “UNION”. Union of body, mind, intellect and soul with the Universal Spirit i.e. GOD.YOG IS “YUKTI” (Tactic) for the achievement of completeness which leads to Siddhi (Ultimate Goal).It is a scientific system of Indian Philosophy (Darshan shastra) which presents theory and practicals. It does not give same effect to every individual. It is shastra of Antrik Jagat i.e. Inner world.
Yoga means union of conscious and sub-conscious mind i.e. balance of both. We have three bodies --- Sthul Sharir i.e. Physical body--- made of different organs, which has limitations. Suksham Sharir i.e. subtle body--- i.e. mental body with no limitations, it is invincible. Karan Sharir i.e. Casual body—i.e. Thoughts- What you conceive in your thoughts. In Karan Sharir you think that you have some disease, In Suksham Sharir, you start feeling and in Sthul Sharir you get disease in the body. Yoga is science of both this inner worlds of body.
Yoga is not merely yoga sans, but it is an art of knowing, understanding and realizing our oneself. It is learning which enlightens us of Creation and the creator himself.
Patanjali’s Yoga Darshan Says” YOGAH CHITTA VRITTI NIRODHAH”.means--- control on your Chittavriti (i.e. ego, mind, intellect) is Yoga.
Yoga is not a religious systems but an art of living. It has been originated from “RIGVED”.It is ancient science.Yog is Adhyatmik Darshan Shastra based on the Principles of Vedas. Yoga shastra was written by Patanjali Rishi 2700 years ago, in Ilavat in Uttar Himalaya.Yog is Twin philosophy i.e. Sankhya and Yoga becomes one complete philosophy. Sankhya is theory, principles and Yoga is practical, applied science. Sankhya is theory of Aatma and how to reach this Aatma i.e. Sakhshatkar is given by Yoga.
Yoga is a traditional knowledge of India. The structure of Yog rests on the foundation of the Sankhya.
“Nasti Sankhya samam gyanam, Nasti Yog samam balam” --- means Sankhya is ancient and superior.
There are two types of world --- one life less and other is life full i.e. chetna vihin and chaitnaya. If you see every world then Jad jagat i.e. life less, is made up of 24 tatv (elements), if you compare to science it is 92 basic elements of Universe, which are at both the place i.e. inner and outer world. Prakruti is prime element. Patanjali Rishi has taken this 24 elements and one additional element i.e. chitta. Yog starts with this chitta, it is known as “ANTAH KARAN CHATUSHYA”. Yog believes and describes God i.e. Param Aatma and its name is “PRANAV”, i.e. “OMKAR”. Combination of body, mind, feeling, existence, experience is got from Yog.
Yog marg is wanted more by the person Bcoz persons having physical, mental, social ailments gets recovered by this means i.e. Yog. All philosophies takes you in one direction but transparency, clear steps are seen in Yog. There is no existence of Mann. Experience is got at every step of Yog.
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