Whether it is joint pain or headache, it makes us restless.
It also affects our efficiency. So, to get relief from these pains…..why don’t
we make use of home remedies...Which doesn’t have any side effects…..instead of
going on or taking support of pills?
Headache is a close companion of the life style that we have
been living with the present era. However, when headache enters yours day to
day life, it gets on our nerves. As such any pain affects our efficiency, but
headache affects our thought process, focus and the very charm of accomplishing
any task. This has made the use of Pain killers very inevitable. However, if
pain killer can be replaced by some effective home remedies, we can get rid of
the pain without any side effects.
Let us throw some light on such remedies….. Then come and
lets us know various Pain relief home remedies……………..
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Ginger is best remedy for morning
sickness. It is also beneficial for digestion. Ginger root include the free fatty
acids--palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic--as well as triglycerides and
lecithins. Even an external application can prove to be of great relief. Make a
paste of dry ginger and few drops of water. Apply it on fore head. A little
burning sensation might be felt, but pain relief is very likely. Some people
apply it on back part of ears as well.
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Headache, stomachache, and
muscular as well as joint pains are many times the result of gastric disorder/
imbalance in our body. Use of fenugreek alone or sometimes with asafoetida
(Hing) is the best remedy. Methi—fenugreek sweet i.e. laadoo for women are in
Indian tradition for ages now. They are advised to a woman since her
adolescence throughout her life. It prevents from almost every kind of muscular
pain. Recipe usually available with mother or grand ma’s is also available now
on internet or in recipe books.
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An apple a day keeps headache and migraine away…Let the doctors be happy in their domain.Ha...Ha …ha...ha…..with all respect to medical practitioners… It is advisable to consume the apple early in the morning and empty stomached. Regular use of apple keeps away many diseases.
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A pinch of cooking soda mixed in one cup of
water can provide relief in a severe stomach ache that is caused due to gas,
acidity or indigestion. Sometimes this mixture can give a temporarily relief
from abdominal, spasmodic pain the girls have during periods.
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Tulsi is full of medicinal qualities. Make
the paste of Tulsi leaves along with sandal powder. Apply it on aching spot, it
gives relief. One spoon of Tulsi extract (juice) mixed with honey, if taken
with Luke warm water, it gives relief in sore throat. Mixture is also useful in
cold and cough.
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Many a time’s women in particular suffer
severely because of unbalancing of Navel. Mustard provides a useful remedy
here. Take about 50 grams of mustard and crush them into coarse powder, put
them in a moist cloth and wrap this cloth to form a small bag. Keep/put this
bag (potli) over the Navel for 4 to 5 minutes. There shall be a burning
sensation, if possible sustain it for few minutes. A regular therapy of it for
a few days can bring the navel back to its position. It is advised that one
should tie a piece of thread little tightly on both the toes during these days.
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According to Ayurveda, Asafoetida has
analgesic and antacid qualities. It is very useful in chest pain and stomach
ache. If children have stomach ache due to gastric disorder, make a thin paste
of asafoetida in Luke warm water and apply it around child’s Navel. It releases
the gas and subsides pain.
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It is a less common spice available in very
few parts of India. It is pungent in taste and hot in nature. Half a spoon of
Ajwain taken with water can subside stomach ache. However, it is not advisable
for kids and children. It can also be used as a remedy for headache. Take table
Spoon of Ajwain, dry roast it for about 2 minutes, and tie it in muslin cloth
to make a small bag of it. Hold this bag in front of nose and take deep
breathe. It can be done for about 5-10 minutes. It provides relief in headache.
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They are full of antacid and anti biotic
elements. Prolonged use of Karela juice can save one from malaria (fever).
Juice is advisable to the patients of diabetes as it keeps the level of blood
sugar under control. Application of Karela juice on aching joints provides
11) ICE …..
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Ice is considered as one of the most
effective therapy over non-fractured swellings or muscular sprain. Rubbing of a
well matured ice over the affected area, chills it and compels blood from all
over the body to rush at that point. This powerful but safe surge of blood at a
particular point brings muscles in their original position. It is said that ice
therapy (rubbing of ice over a required area) is useful in spondylitis as well.
Above suggestions are only for
General Guidance…Before
Deciding on any form of treatment,
talk with your doctor about
Your options and the risks and
benefits involved with each.
With Warm Regards
Ms Neeta Chaubal
Neeta Holistic Yoga and Reiki
Center (Vadodara, Gujarat, India)
Find me on face book….
Home remedies suggested by “Neeta Yoga, Reiki, and Alternative Therapies Center” helped me in controlling my Diabetes.